
Show commitment to the vision, the goal, the cause

Be honest, trustworthy, and demonstrate Integrity in all that you do

Take Responsibility for your words, deeds, and actions – or lack thereof

Have the Discipline to stay focused on the things that improve your relationships and your work

Demonstrate a high level of Engagement in all that you do

Willingness to Sacrifice with a “whatever it takes” attitude

Embracing Teamwork as the best way to achieve greater results together

Living and working with a Sense of Urgency – as life’s challenges and tragedies have taught us all that we must make the most of the time we are given

Be great at Listening more and talking less - let your actions do the talking for you

Encourage Creativity and Innovation as we must be always thinking of new ways of approaching problems and opportunities

Show concern, compassion, and Empathy for each individual and situation – reserving judgment until you truly know what it is to be in that situation or in that person’s shoes

Provide an authentic dose of Encouragement in as many encounters as possible

Life and business is Personal - create genuine and positive human connections

Promote Health in mind, body, and spirit – if you don’t have your health, you have nothing

Anticipate and be Proactive – predict, uncover, and fulfill the expressed and unexpressed needs of your customers, co-workers, friends, family, and loved-ones

Have a Sense of Humor – take your work and relationships seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously as laughing is truly the best of medicines

Show Humility in all that you do – there is always room for improvement and we can always get better

Be Respectful to those you surround yourself with

Embrace Growth and Investment in the process of continuously improving yourself and your relationships

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